1980s Peter Max Umbrella, Neo Max "Zero Megalopolis" ©1988
1980s Peter Max Umbrella, Neo Max "Zero Megalopolis" ©1988
Description - This is a rare large umbrella with Peter Max artwork. It features "'Zero Megalopolis' 50"x50" Acrylic on Canvas 1987". It has a curved handle and a tie wrap that snaps.
Brand - Shaw
Content - 100% Nylon
Length - 33.5"
Condition - It is used and does show wear but it is still completely usable. There is one rib that seems slightly bent and it pokes out at more of an angle than the others. Maybe this could be bent back but I didn't want to risk it. There is tape around the shaft. There is slight wear to the shaft and the handle. There is what looks like fading to the canopy but it looks even so maybe it's supposed to be that way? I couldn't find another one online with this design to compare. There are a few light marks but no major stains. I don't see any holes.